Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Safest and Happiest Place...

We want the Kid Zone to be the safest and happiest place that parents take their kids all week. What does that look like to you?

Please click on the comments below and leave your thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The children will be so disappointed....What will they have to chew on during Celebration? What will the have to pinch themselves or their neighbor with? What will we do not if but when a child chews up their stick on name tag?

The only concern that I have is there going to be enough computers for everyone to check in at. When we worked in the pre-school department, they had multiple check in areas I believe 4 different computers at different locations and it still got bogged down particularly approaching the 9:30 hour. How are visitors going to check in. If they have to enter information into the same computer as members checking in, this to could slow down the process. Also it would be helpful to have some of the children's ministry team to offer to man a particular computer to help parents check in. I will volunteer to man one of the computers going into the 9:30 hour. Steve Phillips