Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some More Fun from VBS

66 First time decisions for Christ. WOW!
750 registered elementary kids
1274 total registered kids, preschoolers, volunteers
$2700 raised for missions - Jade and Shelah Acker

Here are some random stories and comments:

- As we were dismissing on the final day of Power Lab, a crew leader came to me and said, "if you ever doubt the power of what you do, look at my 8 year old son. He is sobbing because VBS is over. He is crying more than when we left Disney World."

- On Wednesday, thunderstorms were rolling into the area. The lightning made one of our second graders a little nervous. She stopped and said, "Jesus gives us the power to be brave." (The Bible point for that day). Another friend was walking by and said "Aha!" (that won't mean a thing to you if you weren't at VBS :) )

Comments from volunteers:
- "We have been struggling with our son and the importance of making good choices for friends. He came home from VBS literally each day "on fire" for God. Towards the end of the week he mentioned several of the kids he met and formed friendships with were going to camp and how he really wanted to go"
- "I was a crew leader this week at VBS. What a great time both the adults and the kids had! It was awesome and I loved being a part of it. This was my first time and it was GREAT! Thanks for letting me get involved. We are new to Westwood and this brought me even closer."
- "Just wanted to say "WOW". What an awesome week. I know that we had a lot more kids attend VBS than we had planned for, but you would never had known it since everyone had so many cool crafts and even in Chadders we sent home some neat stuff. The directors and staff made it possible for everyone to feel special and have something to remind them of what an awesome week it was.
Even the 5th graders were able to get their slime that they missed on Wednesday. I had a van full of kids everyday going and coming and I did not hear one negative comment about VBS. Everyone said they had a great time and was looking forward to the next day. It was neat listening to them talk and sing about God's power."

Leave a comment and tell us your VBS stories!

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