Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Caring Basket Day

What an awesome day as 120 kids and tons of volunteers and parents delivered baskets of goodies to three nursing homes and about a dozen senior adults. Several of you said that you had a story for the blog, so click on "add comments" and share it with us! My favorite moment was one of our third grade boys walking by and telling me, "It rocked giving that stuff away!" What a great day of living on mission.

Monday, November 17, 2008

And more...

Mr. Stuart (before having to shave for work and before having to get a pie in the face!)

Mr. Tony (Awana)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A couple more...

Send me your pics - there are more of you participating than I know of!

Pastor Les

Mr. Randy (8:00 Journey Yellow Shepherd)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Halfway Through No-Shave November - Check Out These Fuzzy Faces

Speedy (Celebration)

Mr. Vince (Awana)

Scott (Journey - Older Kids Art)

Check back tomorrow for more pics!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Post Election

I have heard of many of our kiddos being frightened about the outcome of the election. Some even told their Awana leader that their dad may lose his job and they'll lose their house because of the new president. That is alot for a third grader to be worrying about.

This Sunday, let's be on our guard to share with the kids the God who is in control of all things. He knows the future and He has a plan for every kid.

Beth Moore had an incredible post about our role now as the body of Christ. Click here to read it.

What are you hearing kids saying? comments?

Monday, November 3, 2008

"No Shave November" Phenomenon Begins in the Kid Zone

On Sunday afternoon in our Celebration team meeting, I began to hear rumors of Joey and Tim declaring a "No Shave November" and Tim was even polling the kids to determine good punishments for whoever shaved first. Stuart was non-committal, but they said that Speedy was possibly going to participate.

I had no idea what would happen today.

Apparently Speedy convinced the whole Rick and Bubba show, who then encouraged all of their listeners, to participate in "No Shave November". Go to www.rickandbubba.com to see it for yourself.

Any other Kid Zone male volunteers want to jump in? Comment here if you are participating.

Monday, October 20, 2008


DIDO to Mrs. Jenny's post.
I am always amazed by the families that serve and the adults that come with just as much enthusiasm as our kids. I get the chance to serve in AWANA, Journey and VBS. Each part of these Children's Ministries are dear to my heart for different reasons. But I would like to share a story to let you readers know what goes on in our world. I teach 3rd grade girls in AWANA. I have been with this group since they were in first grade. I LOVE MY GIRLS. I can't tell you how many times I almost cry (for those that know me, know it doesn't take much!) each week as they share prayer request, recite verses or tell me what it means to believe in CHRIST. One week as we were all in the celebration room for opening ceremonies, I turned around to see a little girl being pushed in the room by her mom. In a very clear voice, I heard God tell me, "she is yours." I walked towards her and I asked her what grade and she said 3rd. (Oh course she was in 3rd grade. He just told me!) All night, I felt the holy spirit telling me to fill her up. I was able to give her lots of attention that night. AWANA provided the material to teach her about Jesus and even have her recite the Word of God. She left that night and I gave her a big hug. I never saw her again. I sent her post cards, left phone messages but she has never returned and never come back to my knowledge. At first, I was discouraged but God taught me a very important lesson. Every week in AWANA or Journey or Celebration we are allowed opportunities to FILL up HIS children. To TELL HIS children about HIM. To SHOW HIS children LOVE. We may only get one hour. We may only get one chance. But by HIS grace we get the CHANCE. So thank you parents, for the CHANCE.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Greatest Team in the World

I just had to say today that I am continually amazed by the incredible team that we have serving our kids week in and week out. Thank you for having an impact on our kids and on the kingdom of God. You are great. Keep growing. Keep serving. Keep loving our kids.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Yay from a Visiting Family

This was turned in on a visitor card in big church:

"We could not get our 8 year old to join in the children's ministry at our previous church. He is our primary concern in selecting a church home. Many of his friends from school attend here and he is happy in your children's programs. Thanks!"

Friends, kids have to connect to be happy. They have to be happy to stay. They have to stay to learn about Jesus. Great job in connecting this child. Keep it up!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Celebration Tears

Okay, today was the day for my tears in Celebration. Jenny asked for volunteers to pray for the offering and when I heard the name she called, I froze. First, I couldn't believe he had volunteered. Second, I wondered- What will he say? This child has been in an inpatient program where he was taken off all meds and they have started from scratch. He has been away from home for several weeks and has only been able to have limited contact with his family. When he started praying... he prayed and prayed and prayed. I couldn't understand everything he said, but that didn't matter- I knew God heard him and understood it all. It was one of the most precious moments I've experienced in Celebration.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Random Ramblings

We have already begun our new year in Journey and Celebration and a new year kicked off tonight in Awana's. I have some random ramblings.

I really like our "new" format for Celebration, this allows us to gear the message more appropriately for the different ages and really connect with the kids on their level. I always look forward to each Sunday and seeing the way God works in the lives of the kids, it is truly a blessing. I'm also blessed to see our friends interact with kids and really build relationships with them, relationships that truly last. The impact on the kids you all are making cannot be measured. Also, to our 11:00 6th graders, in addition to the above statements, I want to add; you "guys" are AWESOME!!! A quick side note, Mrs. Kristi, you're still the same, full of energy an

Awana's started back tonight, wow, thank you leaders, listeners and secretaries. It is cool to see you guys dive right in, especially all of you that are new to Awana's. I must admit I was blown away with how quick you all were able to have your kids into HT and learning God's word. Game guys, it was loud and the kids were laughing, awesome. Council Time, Mr. Tim and a gavel, I really wish I knew the story to that.

The biggest highlight tonight that I am aware of; Joey meeting with a child that is ready to be baptized!!!!!

Coolest statement I heard from one of our kids tonight, a Mom told her son that he had Mr. Jeff as his leader, the boy was visibly excited and said something to the effect, "I got Mr. Jeff again, he's the best", may not be an exact quote, because the boy took off running to Mr. Jeff right when his Mom told him who his leader was going to be.

Lastly, Mrs. Kristi, - cheese grits!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Promotion Sunday

Okay. We needed a new post and Jenny is very, very, busy. Promotion Sunday is THIS Sunday. New little first graders (my sweet boy) and I am sure lots of new faces will be bouncing down the halls and singing in Celebration. We have lots of new volunteers to Journey and some returning faces. The children will no longer be fruits of the spirit but colors. Don't forget to wear your team color on Sunday. Dress your children in their Journey color and wear comfortable shoes! I can't wait to see what God has in store for this new year. Thanks for serving and post your stories so others can see what God is doing at Westwood.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Crosspoint Thank You

What a great week we just finished up at Crosspoint. The kids and adults played hard, laughed hard and more importantly, we prayed for each other, we prayed for others, we prayed to, sang praises to and worshipped our God. We did this throughout the day and night. I may write more about Crosspoint week itself, but, today I want to say thanks.

Thank you parents for entrusting us with your kids for the week. I cannot tell you how many times I have said it this week, but, we have a great bunch of kids. It was really rewarding to see the kids of Westwood interact with other kids, to see "our" kids show God's love to others, to see "our" kids put others before themselves, to hear them pray for others, to see them actively participate in worship, taking notes in worship and actually going back to those notes and looking up the verses that were mentioned in the service and just to see them laugh and have fun. Parents, again thank you for giving us these blessings.

Thank you adult campers (yes, Michael, technically you are an adult), wow, I do have photos of how you acted. Seriously, you all are the greatest. You all were encouraging and comforting to the kids when the day got long and the kids were tired or just when things did not go exactly to plan. You all had a hug, a smile and sometimes you just had your ears to listen to the kids. You prayed for and with the kids. You were coaches, umpires, you were in OMC with shaving cream and toothpaste, you shined the light of God's love to the kids. You did all of this and much more, WITHOUT COFFEE!!! In all, this was an awesome week with a great time had by all.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

What Celebration Captains Do in Real Life...

Today in Celebration, as a lead-in to our lesson about Paul being a tent-maker and how God has a plan for us to glorify God in whatever occupation He leads us too, I had the bright, spur-of-the-moment idea to ask the Celebration captains what they did for a living and then had the kids guess what the captains who were not in the room did.

They were excited to learn that Mr. Tim is a mailman, they cheered for Mrs. Cherry that she was a mom, they didn't really understand that Mr. Steve sold software to schools. It was all going so well. They thought Mr. Stuart worked at the church but then someone else guessed he was a missionary. How sweet. A fourth grade girl was going to guess that Mr. Joey was a rock star, but someone cleared up that he is an engineer. Someone thought Mr. Kevin was a librarian (seriously???) and then when I named another female captain one of our sweet 4th grade boys said, "Underwear model?"

I held it together until I caught Steve's eye and it was over. So totally inappropriate, but very, very funny. Seriously, did any other ministry laugh as hard as we did Sunday morning? Who knows what they are going to say?????

Friday, June 20, 2008

From Brian (11:00 Gentleness Shepherd)

One of the greatest celebrations of Mr. Dereks life can be knowing that he won; he defeated Satan. I saw the importance of that in the words written by a fourth grader on his art room door that said "Congrats on going to Heaven". As bad as we miss loved ones here, it's tiny compared to an eternity of peace and joy we will spend with those very same loved ones when we reach the place our Father has prepared for us. God gave us the ability to love, and gave us an example of that love in his son Jesus Christ, but with Love comes sadness. I imagine God cried the day Jesus was crucified for our sins, but look what a gift was given to heaven. I was not given the opportunity to know Derek very well, but from the impact he left behind here on earth, I have a feeling he is well. To Jill and the children; though sadness clouds our lives at times, it cannot take away our ability to Love. I pray that when the clouds part and the sun comes back out in your life, you will see the victory for God's kingdom Derek was. God Bless you and I will continue to pray for your healing. We see it as a lose for us, but through the eyes of a fourth grader it was a win. Praise God for Derek’s victory; he defeated the greatest enemy in his life, Satan.

P.S. - Derek, Congrats on going to Heaven!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some More Fun from VBS

66 First time decisions for Christ. WOW!
750 registered elementary kids
1274 total registered kids, preschoolers, volunteers
$2700 raised for missions - Jade and Shelah Acker

Here are some random stories and comments:

- As we were dismissing on the final day of Power Lab, a crew leader came to me and said, "if you ever doubt the power of what you do, look at my 8 year old son. He is sobbing because VBS is over. He is crying more than when we left Disney World."

- On Wednesday, thunderstorms were rolling into the area. The lightning made one of our second graders a little nervous. She stopped and said, "Jesus gives us the power to be brave." (The Bible point for that day). Another friend was walking by and said "Aha!" (that won't mean a thing to you if you weren't at VBS :) )

Comments from volunteers:
- "We have been struggling with our son and the importance of making good choices for friends. He came home from VBS literally each day "on fire" for God. Towards the end of the week he mentioned several of the kids he met and formed friendships with were going to camp and how he really wanted to go"
- "I was a crew leader this week at VBS. What a great time both the adults and the kids had! It was awesome and I loved being a part of it. This was my first time and it was GREAT! Thanks for letting me get involved. We are new to Westwood and this brought me even closer."
- "Just wanted to say "WOW". What an awesome week. I know that we had a lot more kids attend VBS than we had planned for, but you would never had known it since everyone had so many cool crafts and even in Chadders we sent home some neat stuff. The directors and staff made it possible for everyone to feel special and have something to remind them of what an awesome week it was.
Even the 5th graders were able to get their slime that they missed on Wednesday. I had a van full of kids everyday going and coming and I did not hear one negative comment about VBS. Everyone said they had a great time and was looking forward to the next day. It was neat listening to them talk and sing about God's power."

Leave a comment and tell us your VBS stories!

Journey Funny from Mrs. Sue

"Yesterday I had Manal's class in story time. The lesson was about Jonah and foreign missions. To try and get these kids to get the idea of a "foreign" country, I had them name any other country they could. One came up with Japan, another was England, etc. They are really too young to be heavy into geography. Anyway, to prompt them along, I was giving one little boy some hints. So I said, "What about a country that is south of Texas. (no response) The people there eat tacos and wear big sombreros." Immediately another student yells out, "HABENEROS". Manal and I got a good chuckle out of that one."

Monday, June 16, 2008

Look all around and you will see His POWER!

What an incredible VBS week. We had 750 elementary kids registered and averaged about 650. When we added in all the youth workers, adult leaders, and preschoolers, our numbers were over 1200. That is incredible.

I love VBS weeks for many obvious reasons... lots of kids are experiencing God, lots of money is raised for missions, lots of children give their life to Christ. All of those are awesome things. But none of that would take place to the magnitude that it does without the power of God working through volunteers. I think it would be safe to say that VBS is our largest volunteer venture of the year at Westwood. There is great power in the church body being focused in prayer and manpower for one event.

Thank you to Kathy and Vivian and the set-up team for the incredible decorations. I know it took lots of work and lots of time. Thank you for setting the stage (literally) for kids to have a blast learning about God.

Thank you to Michelle and the registration team. We teased you about having those envelopes beside your bed at night, but your hard work and diligence paid off. I heard comment after comment about how smooth everything was and how there was no tension in the air. That is in large part due to your determination to have everything as organized as possible. GREAT WORK! I need you in my world.

Colleen, words can not express our gratitude for you. I wish my brain worked like yours. :) Like I said for Michelle, your organization was the other half of the peace that hovered over VBS week. You are incredible. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Cyndi, Mary Jane, Cammie, Cherry, and Stu, thank you for leading each of your teams. Each area of VBS is critical and I appreciate your dedication to making it the best it could possibly be.

Carol, thanks for the yummy snacks!

Frankie, thank you for being my rock and my friend. I said it on Thursday and I meant it... I could not do what I do without you. You keep me straight and steady and you really make me laugh. ("He's coming!")

Preschool workers, thank you for loving our babies. And thanks for not growling at me when I was the last one EVERY day. Kaylie and Brenna thank you.

Crew leaders, I had challenged you to be the children's ministers for the week. You did it. All 56+ of you. Thank you for pouring into the kids.

Dr. David - thanks for helping me be able to talk again.

Virginia, you are the hardest working woman I have ever seen. I know it was a hard week on you. You and your childcare team made it possible for 50+ (or was it 2,000 like you said on Monday) to come to VBS who would have not been able to. Thank you for your servant's heart and for your friendship.

Ronda and the Special Touch team. thank you for providing a great experience for all of our kids.

Last, but certainly not list, thank you to Bre and Marsha. I am so thankful that God has brought both of you into my life. I enjoy partnering with you in ministry, but even more I enjoy the friendship He has blessed me with. Thank you both for taking so much off of me and for running with this thing. The successes that God blessed us with were much more because of you than because of me. He used both of you in incredible ways to touch so many children. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I know I've missed people and I'm sorry. I'm out of words now. :) Thank you, Jesus, for an incredible week.

Thank You, Mr. Derek

I should have posted this last week, but I'm not sure I could have.

Two Sunday's ago, we had an awesome Journey meeting. The purpose was to share fall plans with our current team. I opened with the question of "If someone asked you why you serve in Journey, what would you say?" We heard lots of great testimonies about how God has used us in the lives of these kids and how He has often taught us more than the kids.

I then asked "Ten years ago, how many of you would have guessed that you would be serving in children's ministry?" I'll never forget Derek Rogers' response. From the corner of the group, he said, "Not in a million years." I laughed and said, "But you love it, Derek." He said, "I love it."

I heavily recruited Derek's wife Jill to join our Journey team. When she agreed to serve every other week in youngner kids art, she brought Derek along. One of those recruited husbands. I was thrilled to hear him say in our meeting that he was loving serving.

The following Friday Derek went home to be with Jesus.

The next day when I went to see Jill her first words were, "Jenny, he wanted to teach next year."

The following Sunday, Tim, Gene and I went from class to class. I wish we had videotaped the Peace group's reaction as we talked about Derek. The whole circle of 2nd graders smiled as they recounted his magic tricks and joked. "He was so funny," they said. All of the kids signed the art door. They wrote comments such as "Thanks for being our teacher", "We'll miss you", and my favorite: "Congrats on getting to Heaven".

It is wild to realize that less than a week after that meeting Derek was standing in front of Jesus and receiving his rewards for serving our kids. We talk all the time about receiving our rewards in Heaven, but so often it is such an abstract thought. One of our own is there right now. I know, as far as Journey was concerned, Jesus said "Well done" to Derek. I am humbled by that.

Jill, we love you. We love your family. Our hearts are broken with yours. But thank you for bringing Derek to us. Thank you for volunteering him to come with you to teach art of all things. Thank you for allowing our kids to be ministered to by him. Thank you for bringing him mto our team. None of us will be the same.

Thank you, Mr. Derek. Thank you for being willing to serve. Thank you for making us laugh. Thank you for loving our kids and creating the fun environment that we want. Thank you for helping them create memories. Our team is better because you were on it. I am better for having served with you. We love you.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

VBS Week!!!

WOW!!! What a great week of VBS. The kids had an incredible time. Every boy and girl I spoke with yesterday all said they had fun and many went on to say they wish it was not ending. That is awesome!!! When kids have a hundred other things they could be doing, they did not want VBS to end. The kids got to hear from Mr. Jade, all the way from Africa. The kids also gave of themselves, I do not remember the total, but the monies for missions. This is just one of the many things to happen this past week. Mrs. Kristi, where does the energy come from? And Mrs. Marsha, love the glasses. Michael, a mad scientist, not a stretch.

This week did not happen by accident. All of the volunteers, both youth and adult, giving of their time so that kids could learn about Jesus. The crew of people lead by Kathy and Vivian, who were creating decorations weeks in advance and then turning Westwood into a "POWERLAB" for a week. Robin, Jenny, Bre' Marsha and crew, thank you for everything. You all have been working for months to pull all of this together, you all did great!!! VBS just keeps getting better and growing every year and you all are on top of it, leading the way.

All the people who have been praying. Praying for the kids, the week and the volunteers. What a group of prayer warriors. We serve a Mighty God!! Yep, VBS WEEK, what a week.

Robin and Dan

Yesterday was the end of a great week of VBS. The kids had a blast this week learning about Jesus. With yesterday's final closing, everyone was excited, singing, clapping and having a great time. Still, for me, there were two kinds of excitement and feelings. One, the excitement of seeing a week of VBS and the kids coming to know Jesus and knowing these kids were exposed to God's Word and they will take this week with them. Second, the excitement of a "new beginning" for our friends, Robin and Dan. I know you are following God's will for this season of your lives and that this is an amazing time for the two of you. I am truly excited for what lies ahead for both of you, yet I must tell you, selfishly, I wish you two could remain at Westwood. Robin, I remember our conversation about this move and how God has worked everything out both here and there. God's timing is perfect!!! Ya'll and I do mean ya'll, (try that one up there), are in our prayers and we love you.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Awana Awards Night

Wednesday night was the Awana Awards and ice cream. It was a big hit. I loved we got to take the kids to "big church." I thought Stu did an awesome job explaining what AWANA is and what all the kids learn. There is nothing better then watching the kids sing on stage. I also loved the kids got to witness the Top Gun graduation. You could tell which men serve in the children's ministry. I loved hearing there screams for their favorite men. I think it was so important for other church members to see that love also. I pray it inspired some other members to serve with the kids.
Other favorites of the night:
1. The Ice Cream was served and eaten in record time.
2. I have been with the same group of girls for 2 years. Some of the girls were talking and I heard one of them say, "next year, Mrs. Marsha will be our teacher again and we can slime her!"
They expect their volunteers to stay with them and I am glad they can depend on us.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Cherry's Comments from Sunday's "Bring Your Parents to Celebration"

Yesterday in Celebration a wonderful thing happened. God met the PARENTS there!
As we were singing songs, I really felt like the Lord wanted me to say why we do motions, so at announcement time, I simply said (which is remarkable for me...I like to ramble on) that we believe in the verse "Let all that is within me bless His holy name" and that the motions were made up by kids so that we could worship with all that is within us. Then we moved on with announcements and back into worship. The adults were so actively involved I was amazed. When we got to the song Inside Out, I looked out and saw one mom with tears rolling down her cheeks. You could tell she was totally touched by what the Lord was doing in Celebration. I couldn't watch her while we sang, because I would have joined her in the tears. It was beautiful to see.
I remember when Tim and I first visited Celebration in the old building.
Those were my feelings then as well. I was amazed that the Lord was doing such great things in children's worship. I was amazed that the kids took it so seriously and I was amazed that Westwood children's staff and volunteers were able to get God's message across so well. I am continually touched working with these kids. It is easy, however, to get so wrapped up in service that we forget to look and see what God is doing. (We know He is doing things, but it is nice to stop and look for a little bit.) God is so good!

I also heard another parent went down to work in preschool after Celebration and told Bruce Martin what a great experience he had had in Celebration and he was amazed at what the Lord does in children's worship. He went on and on about the worship that occured during singing time and the message that was given and how the kids responded. He said that he had no idea what to expect, but "They really had a worship service!" He said that every adult (whether they have kids or not) should experience Celebration. Wow! Once again, God is so good!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

From a Mama of a Second Grader After Visiting in Celebration Today

"I just wanted to say “THANK YOU” for taking such great care of our children in Celebration! Today was the first time we’ve been able to stay and worship with our girls. I am completely impressed by your commitment to God and to our children and to make sure they see His work and love through not only the teaching and songs but by your love of them. (This includes all the adult workers.) I know they are in God-fearing, loving, and capable hands! Thanks again for all you do to help us raise them the way God wants us to!"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

From a Parent to a Shepherd

One of Mr. Rick's (8:00 5th grade shepherd angels is getting baptized on Sunday! Here is the note from the parents:
"Thank you so much for being a good role model for him. Also, thank youfor the compliment. Sometimes as parents we lose sight of the bigger picture. Gavin really enjoys your class on Sundays and is very excited about being Baptized. See you on Sunday."

From Janna Morrison about Slime Night

I had a blast and somehow managed to escape unscathed! I have a praise report from my group that I wanted to share. This year I have a wonderful group of girls andthey are all on my heart daily. I want desperately to make sure they truly hide God's word in their hearts so they're prepared for the challenges they will surely face in life. This year Sydney had quite a time with the 23rd Psalm, as would any second grader, but she pushed through. It took three weeks for her to be able to memorize the entire Psalm in succession. When we got to the bonus question last night, they all looked at one another puzzled, when I caught Sydney's eye, I said,"You know this one." She started it and the others joined in helping one another through. When they would get to a tough part to remember, Sydney knew it and would bridge the gap to the next verse. Oh ME of little faith!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


"Tonight was the best night ever!"... to quote one of our Sparks. Tonight was "Wow It is Almost Summer Night" in Awana. This was Stuart's brainchild! Each team was given 10 questions and if they answered 5 right they had the opportunity to pour slime, dump water, or put a pie in the face of a volunteer. It was a blast!

Many thanks to our dedicated volunteers who put up with being icky (and cold!) to make our kids' nights.

Stu's goal was to see if they had actually learned something this year. Many have. Matt Haines shared with staff on Sunday about 2 kids in his neighborhood who are crazy about Awana and are working hard to learn their verses and are thrilled to be there each week. These 2 kids do not go to church.

That is what it is all about... kids having a fun environment where they can learn God's Word and kids who don't know Jesus having the opportunity to meet Him.

That is why we do what we do... even when it involves slime!

Monday, April 14, 2008

4 Baptisms in 1 Day!

Four kids were baptized yesterday! God is so good! And all of you played some small part in that happening. Thank you for letting God use you!

I also want to brag for a minute on Mr. Travis (8:00 younger kids art & Sparks game leader). Travis's wife had to work this weekend so he was daddy all weekend. I have to tell you that many guys would find it tough to teach their 8:00 am class under such circumstances. But Travis was there, baby in tow, ready to hot glue some sheep sock puppets! That is commitment! Thank you, Travis, for being faithful even when it is not easy.

Monday, April 7, 2008

"This Place is Cool!"

Steve Phillips shared with me about a little boy who has been visiting and Steve overheard him saying how he "liked this church, this place is cool."

Westwood certainly is a cool place and I am reminded each week what a blessing it is to serve here. A few highlights...

- Weekly conversations with kiddos ready for baptism. That never gets old.
- Brian Woodall, 11:00 Gentleness shepherd is currently "living on mission" in Venezuela.
- Did you see the video in big church from the student mission trip to Mexico? If you missed it, you can see it at the Area 51 blog by clicking here: http://westwoodstudents.blogspot.com/2008/03/mexico-mission-trip-video.html You will get to see our very own Steven Stone (11:00 Younger Kids Art assistant) as well as shots of several others who serve in our ministry or who grew up in our ministry. Remember, as these kids move on and God continues to move in their lives - YOU had a hand in that.

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Heart Hurts

Yesterday our Celebration lesson focused on the story of the stoning of Stephen. We used it to address kids who were being picked on, kids who were picking on others, and kids who were just standing by and not helping those being mistreated. During our prayer time I stressed that kids only come to pray with an adult if they fell into one of those three categories. My heart broke as 20-25 kids came forward to pray with someone. Some were being made fun of at school, some realized they were being mean to other people, some wanted to pray for the bully in their class. I know that kids being mean to each other is a sad part of kid culture, but it just broke my heart how many kids were hurting. Let's pray for them this week!

Wow... the baptisms!

It seems like for the past few weeks we have had the opportunity to talk one-on-one with kids about being baptized every Sunday and Wednesday. Last Wednesday Cherry got to talk to 3 kids in a row! God is moving in the hearts of our kids. I want you to remember that God has used you as a small step in every one of those decisions whether you know it or not. What a privilege to serve where we do.

Monday, February 11, 2008

From Cherry Brewer...

Tim and I missed church on Sunday due to several different circumstances.
Today, however, I went to volunteer at Meadowview in Jeremiah's class. I was out on the playground and little first grade Bailey (can't remember her last name) saw me and came running up calling, "Mrs. Cherry, Mrs. Cherry".
She said she had missed me yesterday and had seen me at lunch and hoped she'd see me outside because she had something extremely important to tell me. With this big grin she said, "I'm ready to be baptised and will be doing it on Feb. 17th. THIS COMING SUNDAY!!" I just bragged on her and told her that I was so excited for her but she wasn't finished. She said that the reason she wanted to see me was to tell me that when she made her video she wanted to thank her parents, but she told them that she really wanted to thank me too for talking to her at church. So then with a big grin she said, "So thank you Mrs. Cherry." Then she hugged me and ran off to play leaving me speachless and so blessed for seeing God move in the children at Westwood. I am so overwhelmed by the fact that He uses little old (and I feel older everyday) me.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

See Andrew Wash's Habits Testimony

Andrew Wash is a youth helper in Older Kids Drama at 11. Go to the Area 51 blog to see Andrew's testimony about memorizing Scripture, including him reciting Psalm 51. http://westwoodstudents.blogspot.com

What a great example for our kids. We are blessed with students who model a real relationship with God. Thanks Andrew!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Time Visitors' Response

Jay shared with us a response from a "first time guest survey". I met this family on Sunday. They indicated that they were not a member of a church. They had a 3rd grader, 4th grader, and a 5th grader who attended Journey. Here was the family's answer to the question, "What did you like best about your visit to Westwood?":

"We enjoyed every minute of it but my children have still been talking about their experience"

To God be the glory! That is what we want! Great job!

Friday, February 1, 2008

A Conversation with a Mama

The mama of a fourth grade girl called me yesterday to discuss her daughter's interest in baptism. She was very complimentary of the ministry in general, but there were two things she told me that really stuck out.

She told me that it is obvious her daughter is learning alot. The example she gave me was that they play an "ABC" game in the car. The other day her daughter suggeted that they use the Bible as their subject. The mama was so impressed with her daughter's knowledge and noticed that she was referencing stories that she did not remember teaching her. She knows those are things that her daughter has learned in Journey.

My favorite part of the conversation was when I asked if she thought her daughter would have a preference of who in the ministry talked to her about baptism. The mom said that her daughter really liked the computer teachers and felt close to them because they used to be her shepherds. Gene and Cynthia Talley were her shepherds in second grade. How awesome that she still feels connected with them! Cynthia will have the privilige this Sunday of talking to her about her decision. The Talley's do a great job in getting to know the kids and connecting with them. Good work!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mrs. Wendy's Lunch Bunch

Wendy Bailey works with our 5th graders at 11. I was so excited to hear that she has taken it upon herself to go and eat lunch with as many of her kids as possible. This past week she ate with 12 kids at T.I.S. What a great way to connect wiht these kids. Great job, Wendy!

I have had 3 parents in the past week tell me that their kids are ready to be baptized. We had a first grader and a fourth grader get baptized today! God is moving. Whenever you see one of our kids get baptized, I want you to remember that if you ever taught that child (even for just one Sunday), shepherded that child, listened to that child say a memory verse, even greeted them or their family... God used YOU to get them to the point of salvation and baptism. In children's ministry it takes lots of little steps before a child is ready. You never know if you are one of those steps!

One last cute story... Wendy and Harper told me about one of their 5th graders who takes meticulous notes. When Harper asked who remembered what he taught last week, she referred to her notes. :) She was disappointed that she only had notes from Celebration that day!

I love these kids!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fun in Journey

A couple of weeks ago I was in the Storytelling workshop with Gentleness. Kim Gilmer did a great job talking to the kids about fighting temptation, what temptation looks like, what their major temptations now are, etc. After some games, one of the boys said, "This has been the best day at church EVER!" How cool is that?!

Monday, January 21, 2008


A few Sundays ago, I was at the Children's Welcome Desk and overheard a visitor telling her parents how much fun she had in Journey. As I looked in her direction, I could see that her excitement was bubbling over and onto the smiling faces of the adults with her. It was a pleasure to witness this moment!
Yesterday in Celebration, a first grade boy was visiting for the first time. He lives in Ohio and his dad was interviewing for a job in our area. At first he was shy and said he didn't know what to do during the songs. I told him to watch Mrs. Cheri and to do what she was doing. At the end of the songs he said, "I hope we move here because I need to practice!"

Monday, January 14, 2008

A few fun comments

I met a mom of a third grader yesterday who confessed to me that they only come to Westwood when they are running late. Their church home is in Hueytown. She told me that her son always asks her why they can't just join Westwood because he loves what we do here in the Children's Ministry!

I also overheard some second grade girls chatting on their way to the restroom. One asked the other if she went to VBS last year. The other got excited and said, "Yeah, are you going this year?" What a great conversation to hear in January!

We had 192 kiddos in Celebration.

Also a big yay to all Younger Kids art teachers this month. They get the joy of painting t-shirts with the kids. It is hard, but the kids are loving it. Thank you for helping them have a memorable experience! By the way, one kid's shirt said "Roll Tide"... still trying to figure out how that fits in with the story of Joseph!

Keep up the great work!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Good to be back...

Yesterday was a great day. I really appreciate everyone's warm welcome and I especially appreciate our aweseome leadership team. I don't think our ministry missed a beat while I was gone and this is so cool.

My funny story for the day happened at 11. Frankie was teaching younger kids art and it is one of those really cool lessons that could just about kill you. The kids were making multi-colored t-shirts to go along with the story on Joseph. They were choosing words to put on their shirts. There were a ton of kids! I stepped in to lend a hand and started by helping first graders pick words and find the letters. One little boy informed me that he wanted his shirt to say "God". I diligently found a G and an O and a D and gave them to him . A few minutes later he came back with a disgusted look on his face and said, "I said I wanted 'God' not 'dog'!" Gotta love first graders.

We had 18 kids at First Steps last night! Awesome!